“1990s “Jin Gua Gong Cha” Chawangshop Summary: Airing out this tea for a week has massively improved it. It gives a good aged taste which hints at 2000 Green Peacock by Essence of Tea. However, the...” Read full tasting note
“Jin Gua Gong Cha” also called “Tuan Cha”, is a special kind of compressed puer tea. It looks like pumpkin and the tea will turn to golden yellow after a period of time, so the tea was named “Jin Gua” (Golden Melon). “Gong Cha” means early Jing Gua used to be tribute for royalty.
The tea had been stored in Simao until they were sold to Kunming in 2006. There have been great changes in tea in the past twenty years. The liquor color is like red autumnal leaves (of the maple, etc.), rounded and show the typical characteristics of mature puer tea, tastes wonderfully smooth and cool with strong herbal scent, drinks well now.
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