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From Hongzhou in the Zhejiang Province of China, Dragon Well (also known as Long Jing tea) is mild, mellow and smooth. For over a millennium this fabled green tea has been pan-fired by pressing the leaves flat onto a hot metal wok. Known for its distinctive flat leaf shape, jade color, vegetative aroma and chestnut-like flavor, it was the Imperial tea of the Qing Dynasty.
Chai Diaries means tea memoirs. And to us, that means everything. It’s much more than a daily beverage; it’s a record of life. As the kettle whistles and our tealeaves unfurl in your pot, warm and fragrant, happy memories come to life. You share in the time-honored tradition of experiencing the gift of tea! Fresh tealeaves, natural fruits and botanicals, love and sincerity. Our natural, pesticide-free teas serve as the canvas for a myriad of organic and seasonal blending ingredients. They come together to become our signature blends. Our teas are all natural, provide immense health benefits in day-to-day life including a provider of antioxidants and minerals, assist in weight loss and promote radiant skin!