So Long, and Thanks for All the Licorice

Tea type
Black Tea
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Anise, Cinnamon, Fennel Seed, Jasmine, Licorice
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tea Pet
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 15 oz / 445 ml

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60 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’m not gonna write an actual review on this, because I haven’t drank the sample Stacy sent me yet, & also because I think Sasha should write the first review. BUT I AM gonna say that it smells...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m almost ready to break into another package of this tea! That’s exciting. :) I still love it. SO licoricey, no sweet aftertaste. THE BEST. What’s also super fun is that once it’s steeped the...” Read full tasting note
  • “mmmmm…another chai i figured i should try this morning since it’s a colder spring day today and i much prefer drinking chai when it’s cold. Let me first start off by saying that this smells like...” Read full tasting note
  • “I haven’t had this one in a while, but decided to try it with a little bit of honey and coconut almond milk. It’s good, but I think I really need to try this one with real milk at least once no...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

One of our customers, Sasha, challenged us to create a unique licorice masala chai custom blend. We ended up loving her blend so much, that we decided to offer it on our website. The name of this tea is a reference to one of the owner’s favorite authors, Douglas Adams. This soothing tea features licorice; however, the spice notes are also present and linger long after the sip and meld with the licorice notes. With each sip, the licorice and spice notes seem to become stronger yet they are not overly aggressive. While this tea is fantastic plain, this blend shines with a little rice milk and sugar. For a short interview with the brains behind this tea, please visit:

Ingredients: Organic Guranse (Nepalese Black Tea), Natural Super Concentrated Flavor Powder Licorice (Dextrose, Natural Flavors), Organic Cinnamon Chips, Organic Anise Star, Safflower, Organic Fennel, Organic Clove, Organic Nutmeg, Cardamom, Organic Natural Flavors (Blend is completely vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes 30 seconds
Recommended Amount: 1 1/2 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F (boiling)

For more information, please visit:

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60 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

I’m not gonna write an actual review on this, because I haven’t drank the sample Stacy sent me yet, & also because I think Sasha should write the first review.

BUT I AM gonna say that it smells AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Cuz it does!


I really want to try this one! I can’t wait until it’s on sale!


It’s up now unless you meant on sale as in discounted price :)


I didn’t see that on the Butiki site and I was there today…. hmmmm.

Butiki Teas

Fuzzy_Peachkin-I put it up last night. I was going to announce it on Facebook later today. It’s under the black tea section. If you don’t see it, you may need to hit the refresh button on your browser.


K, I’m gonna have another cup and write a review.


OMG – this sounds awesome! Added to my shopping list…


Must place order when I get home!! :-)

Butiki Teas

Fuzzy_Peachkin-If you are at all into Darjeelings, you might want to wait until tomorrow when we will have 3 new Darjeelings up, 2 of which were harvested this month. The Giddapahar is exceptionally outstanding! :)


I’m not sure if I’m into darjeelings just yet: Still so many things to try!

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2291 tasting notes

I’m almost ready to break into another package of this tea! That’s exciting. :)

I still love it. SO licoricey, no sweet aftertaste. THE BEST.

What’s also super fun is that once it’s steeped the leaves turn a mossy green. Whee!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 15 OZ / 443 ML

Best licorice tea EVAR.


Good thing I have 8 more ounces! :D


Yay! I think I have 2 ounces but should be more than enough for me. :)


Holy moly. That’s a lot! :D


I may have gone a bit overboard.

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15575 tasting notes

mmmmm…another chai i figured i should try this morning since it’s a colder spring day today and i much prefer drinking chai when it’s cold. Let me first start off by saying that this smells like licorice. Black licorice. Which happens to be my favourite. Jelly beans? gimme the black ones! Again, i didn’t add anything to this, preferring to keep it simple and straight but i might be tempted to in future just to see what’s what. Thank you boxermama for this delightful and unique creation!


Oooh. I ordered some of this! I can’t wait to give it a try!


it’s a little intense in flavour for me to want a HUGE cup of it in one sitting but it is delicious!


Yes! The next time I’m going to add some sort of milk just to mix it up a bit! So yummy!

Terri HarpLady

Stacy sent me a sample awhile back, & of course, I love licorice, so I ordered some last friday. I think it’s suppose to arrive tomorrow :)


I prefer it with milk and sugar, as with any chai. I’m glad people are enjoying it though! :)


I’ll be trying it with milk and honey eventually :)

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464 tasting notes

I haven’t had this one in a while, but decided to try it with a little bit of honey and coconut almond milk. It’s good, but I think I really need to try this one with real milk at least once no matter if it drives my stomach a little crazy.Also I’m really liking teas with guranse bases. I need to try some straight ones.

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612 tasting notes

Whoa, this is THE licorice/anise tea to beat all licorice/anise teas when that is the particular distinct, strong flavor you want (it should go without saying, but you have got to be on board with all things fennel-y…think fennel salad, holiday aniseed cakes, cookies, and scones, star anise pork roasts, absinthe/herbsaint and ouzo, black licorice, the fennel seed you use as a breath freshener after indian food, on and on). I know how divisive it is—so many of my friends here in town loathe star anise in particular, alas—but luckily my husband enjoys all forms of it and dug this. I like that it’s precise—we’re not talking about the warm/hot spices of chai here just because they often go hand in hand with star anise; this is licorice, anise, fennel all over and lots of it (NB I’m talking about my experience of the flavor, not necessarily the actual ingredients which do include some other spices)—and layered—all of those multiple elements from the licorice family. I couldn’t drink it all the time because it is so very much this one thing and one thing only, with superhero-brawny (yet rounded and welcoming, never harsh) aroma and flavor, but I bow down to how thorough a tribute it is. With vanilla pound cake crackers today for afternoon tea, it evoked old fashioned homemade aniseed cake and scones beautifully. I also really like how the cardamom contributes to and amplifies the fennel’s cooling aspect in the long-lingering aftertaste. And I like that this is not candied licorice or licorice root (though I love me some of that as a tea sweetener for sure, don’t get me wrong); it’s straight up “what you cook and eat salads out of and drink cocktails based on” plant/seed.

Flavors: Anise, Licorice

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 5 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

I hate licorice with a firey passion :)


you are for sure not alone! hee.


Wow, this note almost makes me wish I liked licorice flavor more than I do. :-)


Love this review ifjuly, I like this tea so much, my is it ever a licorice bomb! (Stay away Stephanie!!!)


haha, yes indeed it is!


(and thanks! :)

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1792 tasting notes

Oh god, this is incredible. I originally got a little bit in the west coast group order, but drank it so fast that I forgot to write a note for it. So here I am half a year later.

I love how it’s not that really heavy black licorice, but it’s on the sweeter side, a little like Rockies. Or like wintergreen licorice, which according to my mom, is the name for the type of licorice candies that are like peppermint swirl candies, but the swirl is blue instead of red. Sound familiar? I love that kind of licorice.

This tea is perfect as is. No need to dissect the flavours and go on and on about it. Simply put, if you like licorice, do yourself a favour a drink this.


I love this tea. So much. Sadly, I keep forgetting I have it. Need to pare down the stash a bit more, I think. :)


Love, love this blend too! Licorice blended to perfection…

Rob Rauschenberg

I want to try this one! Sounds incredible.

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1598 tasting notes

I got my part of the Butiki group order from OMGSrsly today, and also hung out with CrowKettle as well! It was really nice. See, I’m not always a hermit? It’s just too bad that it takes tea to lure me out into public. :P

So I’ve been waiting awhile for these teas and there are so many that I’m excited about, but THIS was the one I thought I’d start with. And it’s really good. It tastes like black jelly beans, minus the insane amounts of sugar. Sure, I could drink Stash’s licorice tea, but this is leaps and bounds beyond that, and it’ll probably be added back onto my shopping list for the next order.

Haha. I’m already thinking about the next order and I haven’t even logged THIS order.

THe texture of this one is almost thick and malty. And I get a bit of tacky tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth-ness that is also similiar to eating strong black licorice. I’m going to resteep it and try it with a bit of milk too!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

I love this one, because it’s not super sweet. :) It’s on my list for the next order as well… Whatever tiny amount I got is not enough!


It seems like we’re all thinking about the next order before this one is through.. I know this is going to be one of my samples. :)


Wtg, social being!! :-O

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1501 tasting notes

Jeepers, it took me so long to get this from the border, that I’d completely forgotten I’d ordered some!

Smells strongly of licorice, of course, and tastes pretty much exactly like black licorice. Really, truly lovely drink. There are only so many postiive and yummy adjectives I can come up with for Stacy’s amazing blends!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I can honestly say that would be a tea I would definitely dislike. Nice of them to clearly label the flavor though. I live in fear of oopsing into a mouthful of black licorice.


Yep, only for licorice lovers. :) I too hate it when teas are poorly labeled with the ingredients, like Cacao Mint by Samovar (which has a lot of lavender in it).


This is a licorice tea without actual licorice. It’s perfect for me, because licorice root in tea is not a favoured application.

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171 tasting notes

My dream tea, materialized! I’m drinking this with a touch of skim milk and a half tea spoon of raw sugar. I have also had it straight and I love it both ways, but I was in the mood for sweetness.
Stacy is my hero. The first sip coats your mouth with a warm, comforting sweetness. You first taste the chai spice blend, then as soon as it leaves your mouth it’s 100% licorice. I find myself getting completely lost in it, distracted even. I’ve taken it to work in my thermos to work every day.
It’s perfect! :)

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec
Terri HarpLady

Yay! I’m pretty excited about this blend, as I DO LOVE licorice!


Is the lingering flavour the same as licorice root gives?


I have never had licorice root. I can tell you there’s nothing artificial about it and it’s not “hurt your teeth” sweet.

Butiki Teas

I love this tea and had no idea I would be this much of a fan. I find that every time I’ve tested the tea that I had intended to have a few slurps and toss the rest but I each time I had to finish the cup. Yums!


I love licorice flavours like fennel and star anise, but really do not care for the lingering licorice rootness. :) I might have to add this to the local (huge) group order just to check it out.


I specified fennel. I LOVE fennel.


can’t wait to order this one


It sounds like heaven in a cup! Two of my favorite things are chai and licorice!


It definitely is! When you take a sip, it’s like the whole world pauses.

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417 tasting notes

I made a pot of this before bed last night. This was really an excellent tea. The only disappointment was that the licorice flavor wasn’t quite as intense as the licorice smell. I will be reordering this one once I sipdown more teas in my cupboard.

Terri HarpLady

It’s been awhile since I had this one, & I miss it, along with BoxerMama, for whom it was originally made. She needs to come back to steepster!!


I didn’t know this was made for BoxerMama. When I returned to Steepster I was sad to see that she hadn’t been active in so long…

Terri HarpLady

We need to all gang up on her over on FB & tell her to come home! LOL


Haha. I don’t know her that well…It would be stalk-y. But not if you did it, Terri! :-D

Terri HarpLady

And I will!

Butiki Teas

Here’s a short interview with her, if anyone wants to read about the process of how this tea was made:


Very cool. I really loved this tea, too!

Butiki Teas

Glad you love it CharlotteZero. We had fun making it! :)

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