Ginger Rooibos

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Rooibos Tea
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200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Basically, I got this for when my stomach is upset. I don’t mind the taste of ginger, but it isn’t my fav either. But it is magical for upset stomachs. I would rather drink something natural than...” Read full tasting note
  • “All that brisk tea tasting on an empty stomach made me jittery (I didn’t eat much for dinner last night, haven’t had an appetite), so here we are. This is pretty nice. The ginger isn’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “My stomach feels a bit uneasy so I decided to try this and see if it helps. The flavor is quite nice. The ginger is a little spicy, but not overpowering. I can’t really taste much from the...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is interesting! It’s Gingery but the Rooibos cuts the harshness a little and I like that! It has a certain herbal/medicinal type taste to it that is somewhat surprising for flavored rooibos...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Ginger Rooibos is a smooth and spicy tisane that originates from South Africa. The light ginger flavor of this tisane finishes sweet and smooth. Rooibos is naturally decaffeinated.

Recommended Brew Time: 5 minutes
Recommended Amount: 2 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 195 F

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7 Tasting Notes

1184 tasting notes

Basically, I got this for when my stomach is upset. I don’t mind the taste of ginger, but it isn’t my fav either. But it is magical for upset stomachs. I would rather drink something natural than take medications, so this will do the trick!

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612 tasting notes

All that brisk tea tasting on an empty stomach made me jittery (I didn’t eat much for dinner last night, haven’t had an appetite), so here we are. This is pretty nice. The ginger isn’t in-your-face-fiery at all (the warm spiciness of it comes out in a lingering kind of way, at the end of the sip), and the rooibos is definitely present both in smell and taste. I agree with another review mentioning there’s a lemoniness here, and together with the ginger it reminds one of Ricola-ish cough drops. Soothing and soft. Not the best Butiki I’ve had but not bad.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Butiki Teas

I’ve been thinking about discontinuing this one but I love it when I’m feeling under the weather. I find that longer steeps or heavier with the rooibos the ginger becomes more pronounced.


I can definitely see how it’d be soothing when you don’t feel good, for sure. I wasn’t congested for once today, but my stomach felt funky and I was jittery and it made me feel better immediately, which was great. Yay tea therapy!

Butiki Teas

Tea therapy is the best. :)

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4843 tasting notes

My stomach feels a bit uneasy so I decided to try this and see if it helps.

The flavor is quite nice. The ginger is a little spicy, but not overpowering. I can’t really taste much from the rooibos, perhaps a little bit of the woody/nutty taste in the background but it is certainly not a dominant presence. There is a sweet taste to this too that really makes this very yummy. It’s a lot sweeter than I thought it would be.

It’s really quite pleasant and as far as my stomach goes, I think it’s doing the job!


Feel better!

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6768 tasting notes

This is interesting! It’s Gingery but the Rooibos cuts the harshness a little and I like that! It has a certain herbal/medicinal type taste to it that is somewhat surprising for flavored rooibos but seems to work real well here! There is a nice sweetness to it that almost tastes a little citrusy to me. This is pretty good and a Ginger I can handle! Nicely done! Special thanks to LiberTEAs for this one!

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78 tasting notes

Well this was an interesting one that I couldn’t wait to try. I love all things ginger and thought that this was going to be a good mix, spicy and woodsy.

When I opened up the baggie it smelled kind of lemony with ginger… I couldn’t place the smell but it seemed familar. I brewed it up and it was such a beautiful deep red color. Another whiff and the ginger was bit more pronounced.
First taste and it was really mellow smooth, smoother than other Rooibos, I didn’t get the woodsy taste at all it was a citrusy with a bit of ginger not the spicey ginger but more of a candied ginger.

After a few sips I finally placed the smell, it smells like a Ricola lemon cough drop :) Once I figured that out it was kind of hard to get past the smell. The taste is good just the smell that got to me!

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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10 tasting notes

Just received my second parcel from Stacy ! Wow that’s a wonderful rooibos, Just the right amount of ginger ! The after taste is very nice. This is a 90+ ! Try it you’ll see !

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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1307 tasting notes

This is one seriously boring rooibos. It’s not bad, just… one note. That one note is good – strong, natural-tasting ginger – but it’s one I can get from a straight ginger root tea (I like Breezy Morning’s West Indian Ginger Root).

Yes, I know, you’re thinking, “Kaylee, what did you expect from a blend literally called ginger rooibos?” To which I reply, “I don’t know exactly, but Stacy raised the bar really high and I expected more oomph.” She’s certainly made single-flavor teas that are anything but plain (I’m thinking especially of the woefully under-appreciated Mint Oolong). This isn’t one of them.

On the up side, it’s caffeine free and goes very well with Thai food.

Flavors: Ginger

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