Brewing details are approximate on this one, but you definitely don’t want to oversteep this, as even though it’s an herbal, it quickly gets bitter when forgotten on the counter. Though it’s actually fun to watch this steep—it starts at a light, earthy green, and then flushes pink, and ends up at a warm pinkish-orange that you’d never mistake for a black.
I’m not surprised to find out this has hibiscus—it explains that pink, and it definitely has the tartness. This tea is somewhat fine, though, and the hibiscus is hard to physically see. I guess I’m used to hibiscus blends that include larger petals. It smells predominantly of cloves, but it doesn’t overwhelm the taste; it just adds a nice little kick of spice.
It’s definitely an interesting blend, though maybe not something I’d drink everyday. It was a secret santa gift, but I’m told by my gifter that the salesperson at Tea Lady said it was great iced. I’ll update when I try it.