Tea type
Green Herbal Blend
Green Tea, Lemon Peel, Lemon Verbena, Natural Flavours
Candy, Lemon, Artificial, Citrus, Grass, Lemon Zest, Spring Water, Herbaceous, Tart, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
165 °F / 73 °C 4 min, 30 sec 5 g 8 oz / 244 ml

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From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

Sherbet sweet green tea blend bursting with lemon juices

Lemon verbena with loose leaf green tea it’s a classic! In true Bird & Blend style we have done it a bit different! Sweet + tangy like sherbet on your tongue + two types of lemon to make your mouth water with delight. Another fantastic blend to add to our traditional sweet collection.

Chinese green tea, lemon verbena, lemon peel, natural flavour

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16 Tasting Notes

2238 tasting notes

I’ll be honest and say I wasn’t too sure about this one on first sip. I used 1 tsp of leaf, and gave it three minutes in water cooled to approximately 180 degrees. Looking at the dry leaf, there doesn’t appear to be a huge quantity of green tea leaves. It’s mostly lemon verbena, and stevia, as far as I can tell. Perhaps accordingly, the liquor is a pale lemon-yellow. The scent of both the dry leaf and brewed cup is deeply lemony – like lemon zest.

To taste, I was initially disappointed to find the flavour very mild. Lemon sherbets are a strong flavour, with a kick of sharp/sour alongside the boiled sweet sugariness. This tea is much, much more delicate than I was expecting. There is a distinctive lemon flavour; very much like lemon squeezed into water. It’s mildly sour, with a hint of sweetness from the stevia. There’s nothing that’s really making me think “sherbet” though. Not enough of a tang!

I like this one as a gentle, fresh lemon-tasting tea. I feel a little disappointed that it doesn’t live up to its name, but I imagine it would be good iced as well as hot. I’ll happily drink up the rest of my bag, but it’s not one I’d repurchase.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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4336 tasting notes

There was only ONE tasting note for this blend, other than KittyLovesTea who just happened to send me a sample (thank you so much!), so thought I’d remedy that! This was one of the Bluebird blends that were discontinued. It’s a nice blend, but at Bluebird, this blend has some tough competition. The green tea itself is a little odd – it looks like tree leaves you’d see out in the yard. It does have a nice lemon scent and flavor to it from the verbena. The green tea doesn’t get bitter and pairs well with the lemon. It’s good but I’ll start crying if some of my other Bluebird favorites disappear before I get to order. bluebirdteaco.com
Steep #1 // 30 min after boiling // 3 min steep
Steep #2 // 32 min after boiling // 4 min

Mike Turner

Good news… We just recontinued it, along with Gingerbread Chai!

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