“A review of French Vanilla Tea by Bigelow Date: 11/12/2012 Company: Bigelow Tea Tea Name: French Vanilla Tea Type/ Region: Steeping Vessel/Amt. Leaf: cup/ black tea Plucking Season: Liquor...” Read full tasting note
“My grandma brought me a sampler set of Bigelow teas for my birthday two months ago. Four boxes, each with three different teas in it. Plain black assortment, flavored black assortment, chais, and...” Read full tasting note
“Vanilla tea day! Who am I kidding, every day is vanilla tea day in my life. This is a sipdown of French Vanilla, a box of which I got before I discovered the delights of Steepster. If Je T’aime is...” Read full tasting note
“-Standard teabag. -Teabag smells of very sweet vanilla. Tea liquor smells of malty vanilla. -Tea liquor is a medium amber color. -Artificial and bitter flavor with a slight vanilla finish. -Best...” Read full tasting note
The creamy flavor of vanilla brought together with a robust black tea forms a classic combination. It’s exquisite, it’s indulgent, it’s delectable, and with a little bit of milk and sweetener it’s perfection in a cup.
Taste Profile: A classic combination of creamy vanilla and bold black tea
Aroma: Creamy vanilla
Liquor: Medium brown with coppery hue
Recommended Temperature: 208º F
-Updated from company website, 12/2/2015
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