White Moon

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Not available
Artificial, White Chocolate, Caramel, Flowers, Fruity
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 243 ml

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From Basilur

For many centuries tea has been enjoyed, black tea as a warming, comforting brew and green tea as a refreshing thirst quencher. Harvest the pleasure of an ancient tradition with a steaming cup of Milky Oolong green teas.

Chinese Milk Oolong green, long leaf tea

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9 Tasting Notes

3010 tasting notes

Basilur does a good job with its flavored teas—black, green, or white. In this case, the milky scent and flavor predominate, pleasantly. I could’ve backed off the temp a little; I scorched the green base a little bit. But it’s still drinkable. I’m sad that our local source of fun little Basilur assortments (Tuesday Morning) is now gone.


Oh no! I haven’t been to ours in many years. I bet ours is gone, too.


I think the whole franchise went bye-bye.

Martin Bednář

Ladies, don’t forget that I have the chance to get many Basilur teas if needed that badly. And boy, some new flavors sound so good! Hit me up for details.


Martin: Thank you! I will definitely let you know if I get a hankering for something from them!

Cameron B.

They also have a US website: https://basilurtea.us/


Tuesday Morning closed out here, too. HomeGoods is still going strong with plenty of oddball teas.


Cameron: wow! I had no idea! Thank you!

Martin Bednář

Definitely nice that some are available directly in the US. Here is my shop (sadly only in Czech): https://www.caje-mixtee.cz/vyrobce/39/basilur

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73 tasting notes

Perhaps slightly artificial but still surprisingly full and pronounced taste between the oolong, the milk and the caramel flavours considering the low price.

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737 tasting notes

The shiny box is way better than the actual tea inside. Bummer. It smells good when it steeps, and in the first part of the sip, I get notes of milk and white chocolate and a twist of floral. In the aftertaste though, I get something akin to latex, like the taste of dentist’s gloves.


Flavors: Artificial, White Chocolate


Ouch. Sorry it didn’t work out. I was tempted to buy one of their teas because of the pretty box too.


i’ve seen them sold at dollar stores here in toronto so i haven’t yet bit the bullet and picked any up.


Fjellrev— Yeah, don’t be fooled by the shininess! If you decide to pick one up, just don’t set your expectations too high :)

Sil—They’re all right for a bagged tea… I haven’t tried a legit loose milk oolong though so I don’t have much frame of reference. Haha.

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1 tasting notes

This tea is amazing. It’s subtle and delicate, but very rich at the same time. It’s a green masquerading as an oolong, with wonderful fruity and floral notes to it, and a little malt or caramel in the background. I usually like my teas sweetened, and just a little bit of honey really brings out the flavours.

Flavors: Caramel, Flowers, Fruity

140 °F / 60 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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1113 tasting notes

This was a Christmas tea for me!
The smell is very strong and easily identifiable. The leaf isn’t the best quality so it’s advised to only steep this once, but the taste is enjoyable for the one cup you would make.
I enjoy this tea time to time, there is a lot of it in a tin, and the tin is quite a beautiful touch to the overall appearance.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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17 tasting notes

This is a green tea, flavoured to taste like Milk Oolong. It’s good. I like it. It’s not as great as a loose leaf natural Oolong, but a bit more flavourful than a basic green. It’s a pretty good teabag approximation of real Milk Oolong. I drink it when I’m feeling too lazy to make leaf-tea.

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