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Mangjing is a village located 15km away from the main Jingmai village. Its altitude is 200m lower and its tea features very different characteristics. Mangjing is the second village in Jingmai mountain with the most ancient tea gardens. Those gardens grow in a similar environment as Jingmai’s. This pu-erh tea was made by Ai Gong. We already bought his leaves in 2012.
This Pu-erh tea is more aggressive than Jingmai, it has more bitterness and about the same level of astringency. The bitterness is powerful at the begining and changes fast into sweetness. It was processed rather green than red. The strong point of this pu-erh tea is the mouthfeeling. A couple of cups will stimulate salivation and make you want to have more. Fortunately, you can brew this tea over many infusions and your thrist will be quenched at the end of the session.
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