This was a kombucha that I received as a free sample back at SIAL that I’m just getting around the trying. The company was very cool – their focus was on more sustainable and environmentally friendly beverage production, and all of their kombucha is made with 100% solar power! Definitely very neat, and impressive!
The kombucha itself is very refreshing. The blueberry comes across infinitely more than the vanilla, but that’s what I would have both wanted and expected anyway. It’s juicy and not too sweet, with that pleasant tangy quality as well. You can tell it’s not just a blueberry flavouring and that actual fresh blueberry juice has been incorporated, which makes it a lot more delicious and naturally sweet/flavourful.
The vanilla is… I guess there? I don’t know that vanilla is necessarily a flavour I think of as “comparable” with the acidic vinegar like flavour of kombucha, and it’s very hard to pick up in this drink. I definitely don’t feel like I’d have noted it were it not blatantly pointed out to me in the name, and even the company’s product description on the site doesn’t call attention to the vanilla at all. So it just makes me wonder what the point of it actually was…
Still, overall it was a nice kombucha!