Second Review. I decided to have this again this morning. Needed to finish up my taxes, I OWE BIG MONEY! BLEH!, and do other paperwork…so Puerh it is! Need some caffeine! I created this mix before I had much tasting experience…so it’s time to review. As it goes, I almost forgot it was steeping and it went a bit long…which was not too bad for a latte. Lucky for me it didn’t go bitter! The mix of chocolate tea, puerh and some orange was light and easy. You get quite a bit of tea in the custom blends from Adagio for sure! This is good for just brewing up some tea instead of studying tea for an hour or two. More of a hit and run…have some puerh, make a latte…go out the door type of thing and it tastes good. Nuff said.
Oh, the picture is Douglas Lake behind my daughter’s house looking at the Frontrange. I live closer up against them. Looking the other way from her house is the spot where all the atomic clocks and watches are set time to (this is for trivia buffs) in a field…little red lights flashing on long pole towers like aliens.