Another tea re-visited. I’m trying to clear teas from my cupboard that I have reviewed so I can free up storage tins and general space for the growing haul that I have yet to try. I paused typing for a few minutes because I woke up with a stiff jaw thanks to my bad tooth infection, it feels like I’ve been punched in the face, on the left side anyway. I don’t take any painkillers because I dislike that people become dependant on them, I’ve seen people bang their toe slightly and take a pill for it, I would rather cope than put something chemical into my body.
Anyway I am getting off topic, naughty kitty. Yes I tried this iced, left in the fridge for roughly 24 hours and the result is a sweet, highly citrus, creamy and delicious iced tea. I cannot taste the mate and it is still highly lemongrass above anything else but I love that in an iced tea. It’s not bitter or too sour either. An improvement actually to what it was like hot, I’m wondering if this was supposed to be used for ice tea because it just comes out perfectly. Looks like I will be icing this tea for the next few weeks, not got much leaf left. Last note, it leaves such a beautiful creamy lemon after taste that lingers.