Trying a sampler of this oolong tea. The dry leaf has a floral aroma that carries on into the steeped brew. It’s not a strong aroma but more subtle but noticeable. The flavor is floral and sweet with some hints of fruitiness. It’s a light brew almost like a green tea. The second steep was just as good with no noticeable weakening. The leaves had not even completed their un-furling of their crinkled blobs after the first cup. I enjoyed this one.
Hairy Crab!? :) Is it vegetarian!? I assume it is since I see you are a veggiehead…I am as well! CHEERS!
LOL! Yes it is vegetarian. Hairy Crab is the English name for Mao Xie. From the supplier’s description… Mao Xie got its name from the physical attributes of the leaves. The edges of the leaves are serrated and pointy like a crab’s claws and tend to be covered with fuzzy “hairs,” so the name became Hairy Crab. You can find it here:
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Hairy Crab!? :) Is it vegetarian!? I assume it is since I see you are a veggiehead…I am as well! CHEERS!
LOL! Yes it is vegetarian. Hairy Crab is the English name for Mao Xie. From the supplier’s description… Mao Xie got its name from the physical attributes of the leaves. The edges of the leaves are serrated and pointy like a crab’s claws and tend to be covered with fuzzy “hairs,” so the name became Hairy Crab. You can find it here:
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