16 Tasting Notes
I like rooibos teas. this bagged tea from my local Dillons store in Wichita. is good. I realy like the smell and color of the liquor. it has a great taste I don’t add any sweeteners. it has a clean finish and not a after taste to speak of . A very good bagged tea
This stuff taste like awful cough syrup you got forced to take when you was a kid.. To much of every thing. To much Orange, To much Lemongrass, To much Citrus. it almost hurt to drink it. crazy as that sounds it got the pucker power going and locked down the jaw
Its OK, Not Great, Not Bad. I get some after tastes that are not bad. I would really like more caramel flavor.. The TEA flavoring is not there much. So what i get is a hodge podge of flavors that is ok but not good as tea. sounds silly
Got a big 4oz bag of Monk Blend from Green Hill Teas.
I get a Strawberry smell and a bit of Vanilla from opening the bag.. not a lot of tea smell at all from the dry tea. I steep at near boiling for a little under 3min. Now the liquor is a nice brown/red with that same strawberry vanilla sent a bit more of the tea smell on the cup then in the bag. The taste I get the black tea flavor mixed with the fruit and vanilla.. and it is good.. get a little dryness at the end, but over all a very satisfying tea.
Make Tea Not War
Liked it a lot. Great smokey smell and flavor.. I use a Ming Xaing cup or kamjove infusing device to steep my tea. the liquor is nice a dark close to coffee. I like the nice caffeine level the taste is good a nice smokey.. But you can also get the black tea.. I give it just under 3min at boiling or near boiling water.. Good stuff