Followed by 66 Tea Drinkers

Indie Teas 42 followers

I’m a new blogger posting about all things loose tea related. I love indie ve...

Gabrielle Smith 1 followers

Wedding, Portait & Nature Photography in Southern Illinois

Adham 113 followers

Grandma introduced me to tea as a kid (lipton with milk and sugar; a bit pour...

Jason 4 followers

JonTea 89 followers

If you are a Tea Company, send me samples and I will review your tea on stee...

jessica 125 followers

i have traveled all my life, but the one constant food/drink that has followe...

Sanctuary T 131 followers

Sanctuary T Shop is the online expression of New York City’s unique tea-resta...

KeenTeaThyme 396 followers

Hello fellow tea fans! I’ve been a tea enthusiast for years but just recently...



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TeaFrog ships high quality tea to anywhere in North America. Founded in 2006 by Mike and Melanie, TeaFrog endeavors make quality tea accessible to more people, as well as educating the community about the benefits and the myths of tea. Visit our blog at: or purchase our fine teas on our website at


Ontario, Canada


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