Okay…I’m being daring here…I HATE BANANAS! No…you don’t understand! I REALLY HATE BANANAS! But…I thought I would challenge myself with this one today.
Thanks for the chance to try LiberTEAs!
The Banana aroma isn’t as intense as I thought it would be and I am thankful for that.
The liquor of the tea is quite light in color for a black tea.
There is a slight cheesecake aroma hiding underneath.
The first sip I took I could taste the banana and made a funny face.
The 2nd sip I could taste something more like Banana Peels then actual Banana.
The 3rd sip there was a certain creaminess to it much like a cheese cake, I suppose, but I’m really not convinced.
Where I would give actually bananas a review of -10 I will NOT rate this tea as such. It wasn’t so bad that I couldn’t finish the cup but I wouldn’t make a purchase just because it was banana.
I will be pretty generic with this rating and since it’s on a scale of 100 I will go a little bit above the middle rating of 50.