83 is the LOWEST rating for this one here so far. I have been wanting to try this since it was added to steepster. I was lucky enough to receive a sample of it from American Tea Room…so…here goes!
The aroma is that of a semi-sweet chocolate but certainly not over the top intensely scented. By that I mean it doesn’t smack you in the face when you open the package. there are many ‘husks’ within the ‘mix’. The aroma post-infusion seems to be 33.3%-33.3%-33.3% across the board – Semi-Sweet Chocolate and Cocoa combined with Rooibos and with Vanilla.
The taste is very good…smooth and chocolaty with a little woodsy aftertaste. It certainly is one of the better tasting chocolate-type attempts I have tried and it works well with the rooibos.
I think I am in the middle of everyone else’s ratings. Where I wouldn’t give it a perfect 100 I certainly wouldn’t go below the lowest score of 83, either. My fear was, after reading the other reviews, that this one was pumped up too much and I would be disappointed but that is far from the truth! This is very good, indeed!
I found that the more tea you use, the better it gets. I use about 3 heaping tsp per 11-12 oz mug.
I will try that!!!!
I’ll definitely have to check this one out, I’m not one for tea that is a bit much in punch, sounds like this one may be something I’ll like!!