I want to thank SoccerMom for this lovely sample!
This is a strange one…and for some reason can’t put it into words as to why. At first I didn’t think I liked it much…not that I couldn’t drink it…it just tasted a little ODD to me. It was trying to be “cakey” but wasn’t quite getting there. It was on the verge of bitter – which shocked me.
I seemed to like it a bit more as it cooled. Not COLD but cooler than JUST-POURED.
I’m going to do a 2nd infusion on this. I won’t rate it officially on the slider but just want to note I would give it about a 60-65 based on this rather odd experience. I do have higher hopes for this tea so I am going to tinker with what I have and the officially rate later. Right now I am chalking it up to human error…lol…