I was admiring LiberTEAs Tea that was made just for her – she was AWESOME as usual – and sent me some to try!
This is so neat to look at – it’s so colorful! A Lot of thought went into this custom blend for Anne!!!
There is going to be a lot to say about it too!!
Smell: Floral, Earthy, I can also pick up on a “seed” type sent…sunflower or pumpkin-esque. A tad citrus even. I can pick out the Rootbeer scent that LiberTEAs mentioned in her review, too!
It’s a texture-y brown in color. Post infusion all smells still apply and now I can sniff a little bit of the carob, too.
It’s surprisingly sweet on the tongue. The Sarsaparilla really gives it that Umph. The Black and Oolong play together nice and all the additional ingredients seem to be best of friends. Everything in this works out really well with eachother! The first sip is a tad peppery but then turns sweeter. The end of the sip into the after taste is more of the Rootbeer feel.
This blend is really neat. I’m so glad I to try it. A lot went into it – ingredients AND thought. What a lovely tea experience!
I must say – this is pretty good COLD too!!!!