drank Black Satin by 52teas
6768 tasting notes

Angrboda sent me goodies! Thanks!!!!
I randomly chose a tea to try first…it was this one. This is the first tea from 52 Teas I have gotten to try so I am very excited about it!

It smells like Smoke, Wood, and Licorice.

As it infuses it loses the smoke and wood scent and is more just licorice.

It’s lighter in color than I thought it would be. It’s not as strong tasting as I assumed either based on smell…but that is a good thing! It blends well.

I like this. It’s different and different is good…go against the grain, think outside the box, wHy bE nOrMaL???

I would have this again. Tastes like black tea and licorice but not a funky aftertaste. Thumbs up!


You got the last I had of this. Fortunately as it turns out I did 52teas, I’ve stocked up with another pouch. It was definitely one that grew on me over time. I agree though, I expected something else from the colour and the taste as well. I think that’s why I was initially wary of it and then I had to come to terms with it little by little.

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You got the last I had of this. Fortunately as it turns out I did 52teas, I’ve stocked up with another pouch. It was definitely one that grew on me over time. I agree though, I expected something else from the colour and the taste as well. I think that’s why I was initially wary of it and then I had to come to terms with it little by little.

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