I really wanted to like this tea. unfortunately I did not. The best I can say is that the tea is decent. Its not a bad tea. Smooth enough and quite drinkable but lacking any depth or complexity to make me want more.
In the can the vanilla overwhelms most of the tea scent and carries a bourbon overtone that is likeable but not particularly evocative of fine vanilla. In the cup the vanilla settles down behind the tea without getting lost. This feature might be the tea’s finest attribute.
Unfortunately the tea it’s self is a rather ordinary and single note black that did not distinguish it’s self from other ordinary teas.
I might be a bit unkind to this tea. As noted the tea is smooth, consistent and easy to drink. The vanilla flavor is present without being overwhelming and overall pleasant. These might be the reasons to give the tea a try and just the thing one might look for.
For my personal taste these reasons are not enough to recommend the tea. To me, tea is all about the amazing complexity of flavors that drive me to keep tasting it over and over again until I reach the bottom of the cup. Though this tea is a pleasant easy drinker, this is not enough to hold my interest for more than a few mouthfuls.