1990s “Jin Gua Gona Cha” – Chawangshop
30/100 – Undrinkable (at the moment)
Summary: Not good. Mainly undrinkable. Not natural tasting. Aged flavour of furniture polish, but way too strong. Dry, flat tasting, harsh.
Maybe this tea has had storage problems as it is not pleasant to drink. Instead, it is harsh and drying with a strong odd note of furniture polish. It leaves my mouth quite dry with that dark, static furniture polish similar to stewed black tea. Or maybe this tea needs time to air out.
Dry: Very dark brown. Quite flatly compressed. High compression. Smoky cheese – reminds me of Essence of Tea teas.
Wet: Aged aroma: furniture polish; no old building or bird cage. Quite smoky: some electric, some cigarette… Leather. Coal tar – very odd. Some of the leaves are a little rubbery and dark.
Rinse: Med golden.
10s – Strong med golden. Liquor has smoky notes. This is a strong favloured tea. I think this is what furniture polish may taste like. Raisins: some bright; some astringent. Stewed tea. Not too good. Maybe I brewed it for too long. 50/100 – barely drinkable.
3s – Med golden. Not good. This tastes like T-Gel anti-dandruff shampoo, which contains coal tar. The flavour is quite strong with a medium astringent finish. 45/100 – undrinkable.
5s – Med golden (some brown). Some aged flavours. Has a finish of furniture polish.
Rest – 40 mins
10s – Med golden brown. Sweet raisin sip and then that odd drying, dark fruit taste with furniture polish. I’ve had aged teas before and they were more palatable than this. 50/100 – barely drinkable.
15s – Darker med golden brown. It has a sour flavour.
“no old build or bird cage” LOL I call this pigeon laden house. That sweetness that comes with a rancid sweet of old and new bird poo mixing together.
“no old build or bird cage” LOL I call this pigeon laden house. That sweetness that comes with a rancid sweet of old and new bird poo mixing together.
Good spot. I’ve corrected it now.
This tea is much improved. It even reminds me of 2000 Green Peacock in some ways.