4337 Tasting Notes
Holiday tea 2023 #10
From CameronB! Thanks again for the wonderful teas! Almost a full tin of this one, so I best start working on it. I think two teaspoons in a mug would have been okay here, I tamed it a bit with 1 3/4 teaspoons. It’s nice to occasionally see an organic tea. And I love to see “BREAKFAST” in the description — for some reason I expect more scrumptiousness in a “breakfast” blend? The black tea seems sturdy enough on a medium level of spices added here: licorice, cinnamon, nutmeg, orange peel and vanilla flavor. And then I see it’s also mixed with puerh! There was an odd flavor in there, and I think it’s the particular puerh they used. Not bad really, just noticeable. Reminds me a bit of Butiki’s puerh, which was never really my favorite from Butiki. This is supposedly an eggnog inspired tea, which I can see, but also wish they hadn’t included orange, in that case. The flavors/ spice are smooth enough to work for breakfast (kind of like the amount of spice in eggnog), with a fairly sturdy base for snowy winter mornings. I’ll have to try it with a splash of eggnog or milk at some point. The second steep, I sometimes leave the infuser tilted over the mug. This time it happened to fall back IN the mug and I didn’t notice for a while, but the flavor wasn’t entirely ruined.
Steep #1 // 1 3/4 teaspoons for a full mug // 20 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // <10 min steep
Holiday tea 2023 #11 Bird & Blend – Yule Log
Holiday tea 2023 #9
From CameronB! Thanks again! The perfect time to try this one. The chicory here is sure to brew this up quite dark. The scent is a little off — probably the ROSE HIPS?!?! but overall, I started chugging it. Cold, I do really get that note of rose hips. I wouldn’t call it the best peppermint bark tea around, but it could have been worse. Really mild on the chocolate, when I was craving a chocolate shake. The second steep somehow loses the rose hips effect. Happy I tried it, not the worst, but there are plenty of other yum choc mint teas I love.
Steep #1 // 14 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 5 min
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – December 2023 Tea #6- December 21 – Winter Solstice
A day late! I thought I’d go with a puerh for this prompt! A dark tea, but also brewing up a ripe puerh usually brightens my day. :D
From Michelle a while ago! It’s good to be back with my neglected teas. The leaf here looks huge and high quality — and really not tightly compacted within the bits of cake Michelle sent — the cake is quite loose. The flavor is lighter because of that huge leaf. This was a good reminder why I probably like “lesser quality” ripe puerh. It’s DARKER. But this is delicious anyway — especially that third steep that I really went overboard on. It was such a sweet tasting cup! Very interesting that such a long steep was so sweet. A great no-offender puerh that should sway some newbies… but not distinct enough for me.
Steep #1 // 20 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 10 minutes after boiling // 3 min
Steep #3 // 2 minutes after boiling // 10 min
From Daylon R Thomas! Thanks so much! I keep trying this one, but the flavor is so mild and not very distinct, that I then hesitate to write a note. But I guess I should, just to say that there isn’t much flavor. I do think it is interesting that this particular Honey Black has a ton of gold to the leaf. Which makes it even weirder that the flavors aren’t anywhere close to something that would taste like a Chinese black tea, like this appears to be. I would have guessed it was Golden Monkey if I were just looking at the leaf and had no description for it. I would say the most distinct note is oak with a slight bite to it. BUT that was when I severely oversteeped the second cup. I do wish there was more flavor here, but I always like when my expectations for tea are thrown when I look at a leaf and think I will know what it tastes like. I like being wrong!
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons for a mug // 19 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // (many minute steep – forgot about it)
I agree. I’m sorry if I gave you a mediocre one. I really wanted to like it, but I thought the same thing. Malt with some minor elements gong fu. The briskness got to me personally.
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – December 2023 Tea #5 – December 13 – National Cocoa Day
A day late for the prompt but I’m sipping this gem again. So good. Bergamont with chocolate is a little like how I thought citrus and chocolate would be a terrible pairing, but trying it is actually delicious (like Terry’s orange chocolates). And this tea just does the combo perfectly.
Holiday tea 2023 #4
additional notes: I love the exclamation point in the name of this tea, as I always say it/think it like that anyway! FIGGY PUD!!! This cup today seemed especially flavorful and then I realized it was yet another holiday tea that I had brought on my trip. I think there were many of them, now that I think about it. I finally caught up on reading the December 1st advent notes today, so I’m slowly catching up!
The library I work at is part of a consortium of Idaho Libraries that includes Boise Public Library, which has, in BIG bold letters the word “LIBRARY!” printed on the side of their building. It’s always been a joke for me to shout “LIBRARY!” when talking about their branch, heh.
Visual Reference: https://boisedev.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/IMG_1980.jpg
Third biggest city here have in their logo three exclamation points!!!
Reference here: https://www.designportal.cz/ostrava/
Holiday tea 2023 #3
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – December 2023 Tea #3 – A tea with a red ingredient
This is a festive tea I brought with me AND fits a prompt. It’s a unique looking blend, as not many blends use red cornflower for some reason. So this tea came to mind when I thought of this prompt. I feel like it’s more of a Thanksgiving tea to me, but I’m drinking it as one of the only holiday teas I have with me. It’s very almond today and light on the black tea flavors.
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – December 2023 Tea #4 – A genmaicha or hojicha
I’m just going to log this here, as it’s a nameless matcha genmaicha that Ost sent years ago. (Didn’t want to log in under ‘random’.) It was very delicious! I love genmaicha mixed with matcha. This was an exceptional example.
2023 sipdowns: 98