My Whispering Pines order is here woooohooooo. So everything kinda smells spicy chai like from my coconut chai and peppermint chai. I split them all up to alliviate some of tue spice from the ones that werent supposed to he chai like. I accidentally order two ounces of this instead of one. I only wanted to try it because of the Rooibos.
I tried this one first because its bedtime and I need an herbal at this hour. I’m pretty well only getting a cinnamon scent from this one. Ergh as it steeps so much Rooibos smell… Damn you Rooibos.
This is definetly nice tasting, Tue Rooibos flavour isn’t really there, which is grea. I’m mostly getting a cinnamon taste like the dry notes. I’m definetly not getting graham cracker , but its nice and light. Great for evenings since I’m so sensitive to caffeine.
I’m going to try like Amanda said the next time and add a little honey to it.
Definitely add a bit of honey. I thought about putting honey granules in this blend but I know a lot of people prefer their own honey, so I suggest that :)