I first purchased this tea about a year ago. I thought it had an interesting name and was intrigued considering the combination of flavours. But when I made myself a cup, i was pretty unimpressed and left the tea in the cupboard for months. Many months later, Teavana launched a promotion of green tea blends. One of the blends they were promoting was the Citrus Lavender Sage mixed with the Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls Green Tea. Given my previous experience with the Citrus Lavender Sage, I wasn’t particularly interested in sampling this new blend. But the Teavana rep highly recommended it…..and I am sure glad that I gave it a try! The blend of the two teas is AMAZING! I tend to use more Citrus Lavender Sage and less of the Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls in my blend, with a generous serving of rock sugar. It is a real treat. I am glad that Teavana does a good job of promoting experimentation with tea blends, as I would have never tried this combination and my Citrus Lavender Sage would still be sitting unused in my tea cupboard. It is now a tea that is part of my regular tea rotation.