Hooray, my order from Zen’s sale came in today, so now I’m restocked on that amazing coconut oolong. Zen also kindly threw in this sample. I do love milk oolongs, so excited to try this one. Interestingly the leaves, though whole, are quite small, about a third the size of most rolled oolongs I’ve come across. This is one of those milk oolongs that has milk flavor added, so no surprise, the butter notes are quite strong. Overall it has a buttered spinach taste. I think I like Mountain Tea’s version of this a little better, or maybe Teavivre’s unflavored version — but this is still a quality milk oolong and the preference just comes down to personal taste.
180 °F / 82 °C
2 min, 30 sec
1 tsp
8 OZ / 236 ML
I got mine today, too! Monty fast for tea coming so far. I got the unflavored milk oolong and I am drinking it right now. It is pretty tasty!