735 Tasting Notes
Backlogging from yesterday and the day before.
Just wanted to note that we went through the 2 oz. package in about three days between my brother, myself, and a few friends. It was so good while it lasted. I’m probably going to have to hit up 52Teas’s site and make an order… because we miss it already.
Also, I made lattes with the last bit. We added sugar and vanilla cream, making it into a dessert tea. ♥
Having a pot of this that is 2/3 Ceylon Sonata and 1/3 English Breakfast, both by Adagio. I’m not a very big fan of either, but they blend together well. I’ll definitely do this again. It’s malty and sweet, with a summery taste that’s hard to describe.
I probably should have brewed this for less time, as it is pretty potent and a little bitter. (But I like some bitterness to my black teas.) I think I’ll go with four minutes next round.
I’m trying this tonight thanks to Jillian, who I traded with.
It lives up to everything people have said about it. It’s delicious. The black tea is very strong, and accented with warm, sweet vanilla. But the coconut flavor — it’s fantastic. The coconut shavings in it release just a little bit of coconut oil into the tea, which collects at the surface. When sugar is added, this becomes a wonderful, slightly tropical treat.
This is going on the shopping list. We’ve made three pots of it in a row tonight!
If it didn’t say this had white tea in it, I would have never known. It simply tastes like nectarine juice and crushed up vitamins. I will admit I get a feeling slightly similar to Adderall after a whole can, though. It’s not as strong, but I do feel VERY energized and more motivated to get things done, yet without the edgy feeling I get from coffee or energy drinks.
I’m curious about the other flavors, though… I’m not a fan of orange flavor, so this might be pretty heavily biased. I know there’s an apple one, so if I see it, I’ll pick it up.
Finished my sample of this the other night with a friend and my brother. It was soothing and wonderful as always… which prompted us to buy two of the last remaining tins from LiberTEAS ‘s Artfire shop. Now I’ll be able to drink as much as I want for a while! So pumped!
Had to have another tall mug of this tonight. I have been craving it since yesterday. Not much of this left, unfortunately. :/ Will definitely miss it when it’s gone, especially since I’ve searched online for a similar combination and was unsuccessful. This was a truly unique blend.
Tabby I still have some of this available in my Artfire shop: http://liberteas.artfire.com
I did not expect to fall in love with this tea like I have.
Again, my thanks goes to LiberTEAS for sending me a sample of this. I’ve never really considered a cranberry tea before, but after this, I have certainly changed my mind. I brewed a pot of it for my friends and myself the other night and was a little shocked at how good this is. It’s not overwhelmingly sour like I expected. The cranberry flavor is very up-front, and translates very well into the tea. Paired with the flavor of the black tea, it works out so beautifully.
I might have to explore Harney & Sons as a tea supplier soon! This tea is going on my Shopping List right now.
Ok, I admit it, I signed up for the Republic of Tea catalog for the free samples. Guilty.
Anyway, it smelled really tart when I sniffed the bag while waiting for the water to heat up. It also, of course, smelled like dried hibiscus without the bitterness that fresh hibiscus flowers have. The second I poured the water into the mug, it turned magenta, then proceeded to get very dark.
Hmm, as far as the taste goes, it’s a little mediocre. I can detect what I think is lemongrass, plus maybe some kind of berry, but it’s very mild. It’s tangy, and something about it reminds of Tazo’s “Passion”. (But it’s not as good.) I wouldn’t pursue this tea again, but it’s not bad.
My first tea by the legendary LiberTEAS!
This is absolutely wonderful. I would never have thought to combine rose and cinnamon, but I love it. There is just enough rose in it, as I’ve had rose teas before that were almost peppery, but this is much better balanced. The cinnamon softens the rose and creates a really warm, delicious taste. The vanilla adds another dimension, especially in the aftertaste, and it’s just icing on the cake at this point. And the vanilla compliments the black tea’s natural taste, which just makes it even better. I’m definitely making a strong cup of this tomorrow morning before I work a double.
I’m actually really sad now that LiberTEAS isn’t in business anymore. Because yum.
I have LiberTEAS to thank for a sample of this!
This is definitely interesting. I’m still getting used to yerba mate itself, so this tasted a little light and foreign to me. I’m used to black tea chais, as one might expect. I like the balance of spices, and it has that chai warmth to it, but I think I prefer traditional chais. Still, I’m glad I got a chance to try it.