735 Tasting Notes
When I spotted valerian as one of the ingredients listed on the box, I decided to try it on that basis alone. Valerian works very well with me, so I was curious to have it in a tea. Even if it was a Yogi tea, which I usually detest.
Ok, so that wasn’t worth it. This tea tastes exactly like original Chapstick. You know, that weird vaguely minty sweet taste? Imagine that, but with a little chamomile added, and the odd tingly feeling stevia leaves give. Yuck. But I’m going to give it another try with honey tomorrow night, since I have a whole box…
I absolutely love the way these leaves smell. Nutty, sweet, chocolatey, but mostly caramel.
The tea itself is a little different, but not by much. It tastes very faintly of chocolate and caramel, with a strong almond-like flavor over it. I sort of wish those flavors were a little stronger, but the black tea base is nice as well. It gets bitter if brewed past five minutes, otherwise it’s pretty mellow and pleasant. Not harsh at all.
I’m still struggling a little with the tea/water ratios with my triniTea. I’m thinking a teaspoon and a half of tea for every cup?
Had a single bag lying around and was in the mood for black tea.
Ugh. No. This is terrible. This makes Tazo’s Awake seem amazing. I can’t put my finger on what it is, but it’s flavorless and sawdusty. Reminds me of bitter cardboard. I dunno if I can finish this stuff. Lowering my rating.
On my second cup of this today. Slept in til 2 pm, but it’s alright, I don’t have to be at work until 6. Even under 5 minutes, it’s still a little bitter and harsh, but it’s just what I need right now to clear my head. Plus, the caffeine boost is very nice. I’m tapping on everything without realizing it.
I think I’m going to like this one. I brewed it with a little more leaf than I thought I needed, plus I gave it a long-ish steep time, hoping to bring out the chocolate flavor. While it is present in the finish, it’s not as strong as I’d like. I agree with what others have said about the mint being stronger. And the black tea itself is pretty mellow. I don’t see it getting bitter anytime soon. I’m going with seven minutes next time to see what happens.
I didn’t have especially high expectations for this tea as I’m not a big fan of white tea or anything with the word “decaf” in the title. But after a taste, I changed my mind.
The raspberry flavor is mellow and sweet, very natural. It’s not tart in any way, and there is no astringency whatsoever. (Though I did go with honey and a little sugar again, so results may vary.) It blends well with the honey and the faint straw-like flavor of the cheap white tea they used. Just calling it like I see it. Anyway, I would definitely drink this again, but I won’t be going out of my way to purchase it.
This is a sample I misplaced during the move that was originally sent to me by LiberTEAS. Thanks again! :D
This tea is really interesting. I like the lemon most of all, and the spice the ginger adds, as I’m not really a fan of yerba mate’s taste by itself. I’m glad they didn’t go crazy with the ginger like a few lemon-ginger teas I’ve tried in the past. Anyway, drinking this and trying to wake up after a late night. I added about a teaspoon of honey, and a teaspoon of sugar. It’s a very pleasant, feels like something to combat the fact that it’s still winter. And it’s working.
Ooh, I really like this one. It’s more appley than spicy, but in a good way. It tastes like real apple cider. If I had more, I would definitely let it steep longer, however. It’s good like this, but I bet it would be amazing at six minutes. There is no odd “herbal” aftertaste to this, so don’t let the name fool you. Mmm.
As soon as I opened the packet, my first thought was “Dammit, Yogi! Do you have to put licorice in EVERYTHING?” It was all I could smell. Licorice and maybe berry.
However, I can’t taste it in the tea itself. It’s not that I hate licorice, I just don’t like it when it overwhelms. Which it does a lot with Yogi teas, in my opinion. Anyway, this stuff isn’t bad. The main flavors I detect are spearmint, lemongrass, a little cinnamon, and that herbal tea flavor I can never really put my finger on. I wouldn’t drink it again, but it isn’t terrible.
I haven’t liked any Yogi teas up to this point either (I’ve tried maybe 4). I’ll be curious to hear if honey improves this one for you!
I feel like there is valerian root in David’s Tea Night Out – Which I think is delicious, not that I get any effect from it. Of course now that I’ve searched it up on their website it seems to not exist anymore. I hope that’s not true.
I JUST realized I lied. The valerian root is supposed to be in mothers little helper by davids tea, which they still make I think.