735 Tasting Notes
Nooo, why did it have to get cold again? I thought we were done with that!
I was going to have this iced as soon as I got up, but I changed my mind after stepping outside for a moment. Anyway, I’ve got a tall glass and am sipping away. I’ve reviewed this at least 5 times now, and should probably stop.
Last bag from the box. Seems I’ve been clearing out space in the tea cupboard. I think I’ve reviewed Awake at least three times before this, so I’ll make it short. This is a good, strong black tea, but it gets bitter easily under five minutes. I don’t mind, however. It’s what I go to when I’m short on time but need my caffeine before work.
This was my choice for the Monday morning to-go cup. I’ve reviewed this tea before, and all I can add to my previous thoughts was that this tea is very… buttery. Yes, it tastes like sweet cream butter. And almonds. But in a good way, if that makes sense.
I had the water nearly boiling before I realized that all my infusers were in the running dishwasher. So it’s bagged tea for me, then.
I found this in my box of random tea bags and went for it. I remembered to brew it for a shorter amount of time this time, but still went over what was recommended. I added one teaspoon of sugar to mellow out the bitterness, and now I’m enjoying it. It’s a good standard bagged black. Nothing spectacular, but functional.
So many tea fails lately. Today I learned that my glass infuser cannot handle chai spices. It gets clogged.
While I didn’t realize that the infuser was mostly just holding the liquid instead of letting it also flow into the cup, I ended up with extra milk in my saucepan. And I thought it was because the infuser and chai itself took up space in the cup, so naturally there would be some left over that wouldn’t fit. That’s a lot of explanation to say that I ended up with half a cup of INCREDIBLY SPICY chai and no milk to water it down with because I poured it out.
I’m still gonna drink it, though. It buuuuurns, but I think I like it.
This morning I was feeling kinda ill and wanted caffeine, but was not in the mood for plain black tea. So I used a bag of this tea and one of Awake, also by Tazo. I brewed them together for a little shorter than usual, as I felt like I didn’t have quite 2 cups’ worth of water in my to-go cup.
And now I wish I could buy it this way. Black tea is exactly what Passion needed to be truly great. It adds a certain strength and foundation to the herbal blend, keeping it from being too tart or overwhelming. I’m going to make myself a second cup for my second shift this evening. Too bad I’ll be going through these two at twice the rate, though.
Alright, so I had my biggest tea fail ever with this tea yesterday morning.
But I learned a valuable lesson. Milk cannot go in the utiliTea. Nor can half-milk, half-water mixtures. But, as things usually go with me, I learned the hard way. Not two minutes after I put it on to boil, I heard a strange hissing and bubbling. Suddenly foam began pouring out of my kettle and onto everything on the counters like a frothy volcano. Keep in mind that the white fluff was BOILING HOT, thus difficult to clean up.
I panicked and unplugged the kettle, holding it over the sink as it cooled enough to stop erupting. I actually used the remaining liquid and made the chai anyway, and luckily the cleanup didn’t make me late for work.
Made a tall glass of this over ice tonight. It gains a sort of apricot flavor when it’s cold. I’m not really sure how that works, but that’s what I taste. And it’s not a bad thing. Like I’ve said before, this tea works beautifully iced.
Finishing up my last sample from JoysTeaspoon. All three were very good teas.
Same as the cup before, mellow and cinnamony without the cinnamon smacking you in the face. It’s an enjoyable amount of spice. It would be great around Christmas, I think. It has that sort of December feel.
I’ve beenr ealizing lately that tasting notes are useless for me…since I drink the same dozen teas repeatedly. I’ve got a dozen tasting notes on spearmint, I think. Seems silly!
It does! I guess the only reason I do it is to track what I’ve been drinking when for future reference, but that seems like it might not be a good idea… It’s dangerously close to spamming. D:
I think my quandry rests in that I use my tealog as a personal tea journal – a record of (most) every cup. I LOVE that aspect. But, each of my notes is also used for the Steepster universe as info for the tea. If I post 14 notes about Spearmint it definitely does look like spamming – But i still want to record for myself, in the same place, when I drank the tea and occasionally the story to go with it. I’m stuck in a loop! :)
I think tea logs are mostly for the drinker…but it is always good for the rest of us to know what everyone is drinking regularly and how they feel about it. Single tasting notes are not as apt to get my attention as logs of multiple consumption. Our tastes often change with our mood, the weather, etc. Loop away, Uniquity and Tabby!