Saw this at work today and I was curious. I usually don’t like rooibos, but I make an effort to try them from time to time.
Anyway, all I had was honey to sweeten it, so I tried it plain first. It’s a little on the sour side, which was unexpected, and the vanilla taste is very strong. It lingers in the mouth in a pleasant way. And while the taste reminds me of an air freshener my grandmother used to have, it’s not bad. I definitely can taste the pomegranate (and not that weird artificial pomegranate taste some teas have). I added a dollop of honey after that and the flavor was improved, but it probably would have been better with sugar. The taste of the actual rooibos is practically non-existent.
My verdict is that this is drinkable, but not something I would pick up at the store myself. I can see others liking it a lot.