Cinnamon and hibiscus? That’s certainly an interesting combination, but in my head, it seems like it could be a good idea. The bag smells appealing, at least. Warm, comforting cinnamon and not really much else. Something about it reminds me of Christmas and gingerbread men. Also Red Hots.
Despite the hibiscus content, it doesn’t brew up entirely magenta. More like maroon-tinted amber. Even when steeped, I still can’t smell the hibiscus, but I know that’s more than alright with a few of you! It’s somewhat present in the flavor, but you really have to feel for it. Otherwise, this tastes like a plain cinnamon tea. I happen to like that, though, so I’m enjoying this a lot. The cinnamon is very vivid, but not enough to burn. For something cheap and grocery store brand, this is surprisingly simple and good.