The picture of this tisane has whole chocolate chips in it. The sample I received did not.
No real chocolate smell nor much chocolate flavor. Not a bad rooibos, just not chocolaty at all.
Actually I thought that maybe the sample had been mis-labeled, because I was getting a slight tart fruity taste in the rooibos. Not a prominent note, but there nonetheless. Together with a distinct lack of chocolate had me wondering. Some black fruit, I would guess – currant or black berries. But if it were a black currant tea, I would expect a more dominant fruity flavor.
Confusing tea….
Egads! No chocolate in a chocolate tea?!
None whatsoever, nothing about was even faintly chocolate.
Interestingly, the chocolate-iest () rooibos I’ve had, Melange De Cap from Palais des Thes has only specks of chocolate in it and still manages to have a dominant chocolate taste.