It’s a very passable Earl Grey.
It’s also just a very basic one. There are no surprises here. The flavors are very forward; behind them there’s a little bit of something like honey that I wish had a greater presence in the overall taste. I could drink this over sandwiches at lunch or brunch with milk/cream and sweetener (which is really the only way I ever drink Earl Grey, for whatever reason) and be satisfied with it, but I don’t think I’ll be ordering any more of it. There just isn’t anything about it that lifts it up above the endless heads and shoulders of other Earl Grey teas, and I think I’ve grown pretty fond of the added vanilla element in Earl Grey cream teas.
It smells good though. Mmm, lavender.
Thinking I’m going to brew my other two Earl Greys (both of which are of the aforementioned cream variety) and see how they compare.