Followed by 20 Tea Drinkers

TeaEqualsBliss 1788 followers

Near Vegan. Tea Lover. Yoga. Crafter. Music. Sports. Travel. Radio. ...

Southern Boy Teas 756 followers

FUN organic flavored iced teas for folks who love iced tea!

Harney & Sons The Store 454 followers

The tasting room and retail staff of Harney & Sons love sharing their tho...

GREEN BOAR 79 followers

In the mountains where I roam / I seek for Tea far from home / Drink with m... 71 followers

California Tea House is a family owned tea store with roots that started in t...

Ingrid Bejerman 44 followers

tea time in Buenos Aires = happiness

Cofftea 476 followers

Are you a company or tea blender on sites like Adagio that would you like you...

GREEN TEA TV 147 followers

My name is Brett Susalla, I am an internet entrepreneur and tea nerd ( yes I ...

gypsyloo 27 followers

Not a tea genius, but a tea-o-phile. Want to learn anything and all I can abo...

Leafbox Tea 228 followers You drink tea. Frequently, occasionally, or passionatel...



I hid my heart in a nest of roses,
Out of the sun’s way, hidden apart;
In a softer bed then the soft white snow’s is,
Under the roses I hid my heart.

In the world of dreams I have chosen my part,
To sleep for a season and hear no word
Of true love’s truth or of light love’s art,
Only the song of a secret bird.



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