137 Tasting Notes
I’m not sure what it is, but I really didn’t like this tea. I thought I would love it. I’m a huge earl grey fan, and I absolutely love london fogs. Since london fogs are made up of earl grey, vanilla, and milk, I thought the combination of flavours in this tea would be perfect for me. I think it’s something about the adagio vanilla black tea that I don’t like. In the tin, the blend smells sickeningly sweet to me. It has almost a caramel or candy scent, rather than a fragrant floral vanilla. I always add milk and sugar to my earl grey, but in this it isn’t pleasant in the slightest.
I did like the flavour of the adagio earl grey though, so I might add a sample tin of that to my next order. The addition of the vanilla just wasn’t for me. I’ll be passing this one along to someone who’ll hopefully enjoy it more than I do.
I’m enjoying this much more than I had expected to. It’s lovely and light and delicate, and tastes pleasantly green with a hint of floral. For whatever reason, I seem to get a light honey flavour from this as well. After smelling the dry leaves, I was worried that the peach flavour would be overbearing, but it is really mellow and subtle once brewed. I’m also really pleased with the mix of white and green teas..they play very well together. I’ll certainly be buying a tin of this once I finish my sample.
I don’t know what it is about Tazo, but I love their black teas. I’ve tried very hard to prefer fancier loose leaf varieties, but this remains my favourite earl grey. I absolutely love the perfumed note that this has, almost a lavender flavour. It’s delicious and unexpected and perfect. My search continues for an equally tasty loose leaf earl grey, but for now I’m sticking with Tazo.
This is my favourite chai of the ones that I’ve tried. I really enjoy the distinct spicy heat that the black pepper gives it, which I have yet to find in another brand. My favourite way to drink it is with lots of milk and a splash of vanilla syrup. It’s even better with foamy steamed milk. I have a cup of this almost every morning, and I love how it wakes me up with its comforting warm spiciness.
This was my first experience with mate, and while I like it, it’s not a favourite. I’m not really fond of the sweet fruitiness paired with the grassy flavour of the mate. I tend to brew this during late night study sessions. It provides me with sustained energy and keeps me alert without making me jittery or causing a caffeine crash. I once drank 6 cups of it to keep me going while I was working on a paper until 5am >_<
I really like this in the morning. While I usually prefer a strong black tea with milk to wake me up, this is quickly becoming a favourite. The cola flavour is predominant, with a slight fruitiness from the apple. I find that the energizing aspect of the tea takes a while to take effect, but once it does it is a sustained energy boost, rather than the quick burst and crash of coffee.