So as this is the second steeping, a bit weaker flavor is to be expected. I also put a splash of vitamin d milk in the cup before pouring.
Brilliant idea is brilliant. I can’t wait to get the full first steep of flavor of this with a bit of milk added. Even with the weaker 2nd steeping here, the milk makes the grenadine less overpowering, and adds a nice richness. The general flavor here is that of the ghost of strawberry jam. Like…if the ghost of strawberry jam was the Swaze Craze in the middle of the film Ghost. It’s lingering, you think it’s there, but it’s not quite strong enough to make it’s presence fully known. I immediately knew that I recognized it, but had to search for a moment to place it.
At the same time, that could be because my pallet is generally more confused than a kid on acid in a house of mirrors.