Now that the gaiwan is out and sitting by my computer, I want to brew everything in it. :) So, 4g in a 4oz gaiwan, water 97-ish, steeps of 15s, 30s, 15s, 30s, I don’t know I think I’m going to wing it now.
This is a really nice dian hong. The dry leaves had a sweet, almost chocolatey note, but once wet they turned kind of sweetly earthy. The liquor has some sweet, spicy, biscuity notes in the aroma. The flavour is bright and a little citrusy to start, then it develops into spicy and earthy and sweet potatoey. There’s something about this tea that makes me feel like I’m walking through a forest. Maybe it’s just the power of suggestion, knowing that it’s “wildcrafted”, but it’s nice. It has a creamy, coating sensation in the mouthfeel, and an overal clean, fresh feel to it. I’m finding it to be about equal parts energizing and calming this morning, but I’m not very sensitive to caffeine.
Flavors: Citrus, Cookie, Earth, Spicy