TeaTiff TTB. One can tell from reading the reviews below that the tea has been around the block a few times. Though TTBs are a great way to discover a bunch of tea cheaply they also don’t truly supply you with each tea’s full-on flavor as each tea will diminish in aroma and flavor with each time the package is opened. Generally, I would not rinse a black tea, however, I feel doing so may help release some of the build-up on it. Or so I hope. crosses fingers The dry aroma is not pleasant. Not terrible but does not smell like one would expect. Hmm. The wet leaf is kind of musty like stale wheat bread. Also just slightly problematic is the fact that because this is the bottom of the package there is a mix of small and big leaf. Meaning each will steep differently and affect the overall flavor. The first infusion at about 20 seconds is seemingly weak. A bit of barley and damp wood tones. Second infusion at about one minute is ashy with burnt bread. This is a unique tea but I can’t say I’m really enjoying this… Bit of lacquer now with a touch of allspice. This is like reading a book that I’m not really into but I am just curious to find out if the 10th infusion holds out or if the story falls off halfway. I don’t think I’ll make it there… this is not enjoyable. I mean I’d rather drink this then Lipton (no offense Lipton drinkers)

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Cupboard updated: 7/27/2023

Tea Profile:
Allergies: Almonds and Dairy.

I’m a purist but I will try a flavored as long as it doesn’t have artificial flavors.

I will drink any type and love to taste whatever I can get my hands on.

(Purple is not a type of tea it is a cultivar known as TRFK 306/1)



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