Advent Tea 2023
A beautiful tea in appearance. Some say that the Chinese value the look more than the Japanese do but I highly appreciate the vibrant greens. This one, for example, with the contrast of light and dark greens is quite a joy to behold. The aroma is unsettling. I can’t say I like it. The same went for the flavor at first but it changed. The creamy mouth feel is quite nice. Very vegetal in flavor. Fresh-cut grass and corn husks. Like with other Japanese greens, I find I am enjoying this one more as the water cools down. There is a sweet grass note that comes out that I am finding quite enjoyable.
As much I love jumping around and trying new teas, I’ve gained a higher appreciation for those who stick to one terroir or country. When your palate sticks with one long enough you can spot the subtle differences from year to year.
I agree, the combination of the squash and green vegetables was strange at first. You’re right that the more you focus on a specific terroir, the better you can spot the subtleties in different teas. I’m not great at this with Japanese greens because I’ve had relatively few of them.