Golden straw liquor, aroma of fresh lillies with a slight hint of something richer: a gingerbread sweetness. Flavor is buttery sweet lightly grilled asparagus with a gentle dryness in the finish. The aroma in the mouth lingers for quite a while.
At the start of each sip, a full body creeps up behind the aroma and very briefly threatens to overwhelm the flavor, but then fades into the background just as quickly. It’s as though the tea were trying to get my attention before the flavor soaks in. This effect is most pronounced in the second and fourth infusions.
Some notes: I infused this in a small yixing pot purchased in Maokong, Taiwan.
As of infusion five I still had quite a lot of flavor, but the aroma began to dissipate into more memory than scent. Infusions six and seven still held true: full body and fantastic flavor. Eight still has the color, but the flavor begins to follow the aroma into the past. Nine is impressively still sweet with a silky mouthfeel, but the flowers have disappeared. Infusion ten continues to be golden, although quite translucent and contains just the barest hint of Alishan at the top of the mouth and in the lingering sweetness at the back of the throat; still impressive.
Infusions 1-4 were 50 seconds. 5-8 were 1 minute. Infusion 9 was 1.5 minutes, and for 10 I allowed a full 2 minutes. The water was hot all around.
Where did you get this tea? I didn’t see a way to order it on their website. Maybe I was on the wrong site?
Their website is here, but I don’t know if they ship:
Where did you get this tea? I didn’t see a way to order it on their website. Maybe I was on the wrong site?
I bought it from the DigniTea store near Guting in Taipei. :-)
Their website is here, but I don’t know if they ship:
Ooo. Taipei. I’m seriously jealous!