I haven’t had much experience with Davidstea (I think I tried one or two teas by them from the traveling teabox, but I’ve never ordered from them) so hopefully I’m not too biased, lol.
This is a pretty good breakfast tea. It’s not my favorite, though. It reminds me of Lipton for some reason. Next time I’ll try slightly different brewing specs to see if I can avoid that. (I don’t think I steeped it too hot, but I don’t have a variable temperature kettle and my thermometer’s not that reliable so you never know really.) Thanks to TheLastDodo for sharing! :)
If you strat trying the “builder’s teas” aka the malty breakfast teas like Irish and English breakfast breakfast, you will notice a relationship to Lipton. They all mostly have the same lineage.
Interesting! Why are they called builder’s teas?