One of the nicest greens that I’ve tried so far, I think. I may have slightly under-steeped it, but in my experience that’s always better than the opposite. It steeps up a very light yellowish-greenish (but mostly clear) color with a delicate fragrance. When I taste it, there’s a hint of a seaweedish flavor that usually puts me off but in this tea it seems to meld pleasantly with the other notes, so that’s a good sign. And, oddly enough, it’s hardly astringent at all and not at all bitter, which I like a lot. It has a tinge of sweetness, too. Overall pretty great! (As usual, I’m just estimating water temp. Ugh. I need to get a tiny thermometer or something.)
170 °F / 76 °C
1 min, 30 sec
1 tsp
8 OZ / 236 ML
Yep, this is a good one!