So June isn’t exactly the holidays, but it is cool outside this morning, and I wanted to try this out. I prepared this cup from a sample teabag, and I can imagine it would be even better from a sachet or loose leaf. The dry leaves have a potent scent of cinnamon and cloves, but thankfully they are a little more subdued in the taste of the tea.
Steeped for five minutes, the black tea base is smooth but definitely strong enough to hold its own. As I have found with most of the Harney black teas that I have tried, there is no astringency or bitterness. While the tea is still very hot, the predominant tastes are of cinnamon, cloves and black tea. But as it cools, the citrus and vanilla tastes come to the foreground, and the tea has a creamier mouthfeel. I didn’t add any sweetener or milk, but the tea has a natural sort of sweetness (though not nearly as sweet as the Hot Cinnamon Spice, if that concerns you). This tea is definitely reminiscent of Christmas in every sense – like the potpourri my mom puts out every year, and the cinnamon pine cones at the craft store, and the occasional spiced baked good. I will definitely be ordering this tea come November, because while it is delicious in the summer, it will be absolutely perfect for a cold December morning.