New Tasting Notes

drank Plum Oolong by Zhi Tea
106 tasting notes

finishing off my sample bag, definitely going to steep this a few times

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This was the first loose leaf tea I ever loved, and it’s still a favorite today. Had this morning without sugar.

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Better than I remember, nice solid coco base flavor, like a smooth dark chocolate with a smooth minty highlight. Not unlike Girl Scout Thin Mints :)

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Two cups of silk tie guan yin after dinner (pasta with walnut garlic sauce) while watching Wong Kar Wai’s magisterial Ashes of Time Redux.

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Four or five steepings of this was all that saved me from going over the deep edge yesterday while attempting — and failing — to get any work done while working at home.

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drank Black coffee by Clipper
4 tasting notes

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I’m on my last of this…I was dreading the day…sigh…I really LOVE this tea. I am going to see how many steeps I can get out of it. There is a tad more loose leaf steeping and for longer. I however, didn’t get the water hot enough this time around…still a great cup tho!

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A delicate tea with a slightly malty taste. The second steeping has more body and I like it better.

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Logging this one for last night really. This time I used water at 68 Degrees C and it was just about perfect! Beautiful sweetness with just a hint of bitterness. Seems to be a lot fussier about temperature than the Kiri-no-Mori

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2nd steep. Much less of an astringent taste, but I think I enjoy the robust flavor of the first steep more. This was a little bit too soft in flavor for my liking.

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drank Jasmine 3rd Grade by Ten Ren
10 tasting notes

Two steeps with a little dash of sugar. Smells delicious, but the flavour is still very mild. I let it steep too long, so this cup was a little bitter and not as pleasant as the first. Well, I was alternating between making tea and playing viola.

I really need to brew this properly someday.

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Resteep of the lemon verbena leaves, this time for 4 min with a pinch of mint added. Good color and flavor. Delicious — and my tummy is grateful. Looks like there’s even life in these leaves for a 3rd steep!

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Traditionally, without sugar, mostly because it’s so late.

This tea was a gift from my inlaws. Very fun gift, it’s a tea I probably wouldn’t have tried otherwise, but really enjoy!

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drank Chai Spice by Stash Tea
1 tasting notes

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drank White Darjeeling by Adagio Teas
336 tasting notes

I prefer to steep it for 7 min.

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steeped super long and much more loose leaf than it called for…very strong…still good!

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it’s… the average, everyday black tea with peach “flavoring”. sigh.

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Looking for soothing here. Boil water, heat the cup, cool water, fill it up. 2 min steep of the bagged form of this tea gives me a light green hazy liquor with thin body. It could have used a 3rd min to steep for stronger flavor. Good and smooth, though, and the ginger is definitely there.

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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
1 tasting notes

This was the first tea that I ever tried and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

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drank Passion by Tazo
162 tasting notes

This was iced in my fridge and after working in a small room all day with many computers and no air conditioner, this tea suddenly seems incredibly amazing just because it is cold and refreshing! And it tastes great too!

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