New Tasting Notes
I’m on my last of this…I was dreading the day…sigh…I really LOVE this tea. I am going to see how many steeps I can get out of it. There is a tad more loose leaf steeping and for longer. I however, didn’t get the water hot enough this time around…still a great cup tho!
Two steeps with a little dash of sugar. Smells delicious, but the flavour is still very mild. I let it steep too long, so this cup was a little bitter and not as pleasant as the first. Well, I was alternating between making tea and playing viola.
I really need to brew this properly someday.
Looking for soothing here. Boil water, heat the cup, cool water, fill it up. 2 min steep of the bagged form of this tea gives me a light green hazy liquor with thin body. It could have used a 3rd min to steep for stronger flavor. Good and smooth, though, and the ginger is definitely there.