New Tasting Notes

drank Ancient Golden Yunnan by Rishi Tea
181 tasting notes

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drank Earl Grey by Ridgways
257 tasting notes

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I was craving a citrus hint of something without being fruit herbal and no tea – if you know what I mean – so I drank a cuppa…NICE…fulfilled the want and need!

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drank Chinese Green Tea by Second Cup
1353 tasting notes

Fairly average bagged green tea. But it tastes like a better quality than the average supermarket-available brands around these parts

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drank Tamaryokucha by The Tea Haus
240 tasting notes

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With soymilk. It’s my favorite Starbucks drink.

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Used my last paper filter to get a cup of this. Just what I needed. Now I need new filters!

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drank Assam Melody by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

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drank Assam Melody by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

I was steeping this and walked away and steeped WAY TO LONG and thought I wouldn’t be able to bare it…but…it was still GOOD! :)

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Brought back from holiday by some friends, I was initially put off by it looking a bit like cloudy pond water. But it is a nice gentle blend with anise and bilberry taste well balanced with the taste of the tea. You can’t drink this with milk – I did try it once but it wasn’t pleasant!

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drank MateVana by Teavana
355 tasting notes

I’ve been wanting to try this for awhile, so my friend brought some today. OH MY GOD. I hate coffee but this has just the right amount of coffee-like flavor to be enjoyable to me. This is what I wish coffee tasted like.

I will definitely be purchasing my own. I read somewhere about cheaper blends that are very similar..

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Using almost boiling water, it took 2 1/2 minutes to brew, and it tasted sweet and fantastic. Any more and it would have got bitter, and this is quite sensitive to brewing time in my experience. Maybe I should use cooler water, I’ll keep experimenting

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6g/pot for 3 minutes at 175°F.
Aromas: sweet, semi-light honeysuckle.
Liquor: golden, slight pale pinkish cast.
Body: medium. Surprisingly rich for the liquor’s appearance and light aroma. (Much more aroma in the wet leaves.)
Flavor: much less dramatic honeysuckle sweetness than in the aroma. Like white tea. Impressive body and endurance with mild sweetness create a creamy experience. Surprising contrast with the mild/pale-looking liquor.
Dry leaves: darkish brown-green with spots of light khaki down (otherwise smooth and hard).

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drank English Breakfast by Twinings
259 tasting notes

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I don’t normally drink a lot of flavored greens, however, this one is incredibly yummy. Right now I have a huge bottle I made last night of it iced that I will be sipping all day. This is one of the only teas that I actually purchased in a large quantity.

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12g/pot. 4.5 mins at 195°F. Smooth, rich, subtle. Only modestly astringent (possibly less so at lower temperature and a shorter brew). Unfortunately pricey for everyday consumption.

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Infused in a small amount of water for 45 secs, discarded, then re-brewed for 3.5 minutes at 180°F. Rich body, floral aroma. Smooth, sweet and floral flavor with virtually no astringency. Not quite as good as previous batches I’ve had of the same (TT86)—the supplier and/or the season clearly changed—but still quite wonderful for the price.

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3rd steep – fairly weak – I will miss it!

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Love this tea, full bodied, a bit of lemony tang. The nose and lingering taste evoke salted lime tortilla chips. Definitely an essential part of my tea stash.

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drank Organic Mango by Honest Tea
115 tasting notes

Nice fruity aroma but the flavor is so-so. Depending on the sip, you can get a decent splash of sweetness at the start but it quickly changes to a bitter green tea taste. There’s not much depth in the flavor and it basically tastes like the tea was over-steeped. Not great, but it is a bottled cold tea, so I guess you should expect as much.

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drank Plum Oolong by Zhi Tea
106 tasting notes

2nd steep, this might be the last one… good thing I ordered some Plum Spice Oolong from

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making a cup now to take with me to a meeting.

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