New Tasting Notes

drank Rose Congou by Strand Tea Company
336 tasting notes

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Added some brown sugar. Awesome taste :)

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I only have one tea bag left. I’m kinda sad.

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Interesting. I’m going to play with the steeping a bit before passing judgment.

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drank Gunpowder by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

I’m on cup #2 so far…I intend more steeps too! :)

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drank Jade Oolong by The Tao of Tea
240 tasting notes

This is easily my favorite tea right now. So much great fresh flavor. This has really opened up the world of greener oolongs to me. And it wasn’t even that expensive!

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drank Assam Garnet by Beta Tea
215 tasting notes

Dry leaf is blackish and curly, with golden tips. 1 tsp tea, 12 oz water, 205 F, 4 min. Bright clear rosy amber liquor, mature, brisk, malty flavor. Inexpensive tea but quite good. After tasting, drank with milk and agave nectar. The leaves expanded a lot while steeping; they may stand a 2nd go.

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Wouldn’t get near to ginger unless there’s a good reason for me to. Needed this for a quick fix to my flu. Taste wise, I’d say 80% ginger and 10% each for lemon and ginseng. Flu’s fixed, so thumbs up!

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drank Strawberry by Ceylon Teas
828 tasting notes

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Not an overpowering black and the flavors add enough without covering the tea. Has a slight bite to it that wakes up my mouth but doesn’t make me pucker. I like this one a lot even though I am not a huge fan of black teas.

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Very nice jasmine aroma to the dry leaf, which is dark green leaves, somewhat broken, with a few visible jasmine petals. 1 tsp dry leaf, 10 oz water at 180 F, 2 min. Clear light green liquor, not too astringent, vegetal (but not sweet) flavor, clean finish. Inexpensive tea, okay but nothing to rave about. I think it has been stored a long time.

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drank Earl Grey by Ceylon Teas
828 tasting notes

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drank MateVana by Teavana
355 tasting notes

With some almond creamer added. I like it more in all of its black, hearty glory.

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drank Yerba Mate by Rosamonte
3 tasting notes

Yeah. I’m addicted. Stronger than coffee. Especially when you fill a Mate up to the top.

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drank Sencha Honey by Tea Leaves
265 tasting notes

Having a late evening cup of this, just because, with a piece of the apple pie my other half brought home. I’ve been drinking this for years and I always come back to it.

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drank Earl Grey by Stash Tea
6768 tasting notes

I was in need of Earl Grey today…this was the only Earl Grey I had on hand. Good thing I enjoyed it…

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drank China Jasmine by T2
2 tasting notes

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drank English Breakfast by Twinings
2 tasting notes

Nothing spectacular but still fabulous

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drank White Symphony by Adagio Teas
215 tasting notes

This leaf is so fluffy that 2.5 gm is a heaping Tbsp. Dry leaf aroma fresh, green, hint of spice. Yes, Virginia, this tea IS mostly buds! 12 oz water, 200 F, 2 min yields clear gold liquor with mild floral scents. Astringency almost imperceptable, good flavor but hard to describe. If I were blind tasting, I would waver from green to oolong to white. Most enjoyable, especially since the buds winked at me from the infuser, evoking a smile at 5 am.

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Opening the envelope, taking out the bag, is like removing the lid of a box of chocolates. Hmmm…. haven’t tried this with milk before…. “More calcium!” I think, as I splash soymilk into my steaming cup. It turns out to be just as good, maybe even better, than without.

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drank Rose Oolong by
265 tasting notes

A mild oolong, with the rose buds giving it just that hint of an extra something. This is one of those teas that works best on the second steeping.


What he said

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1 tsp tea, 8 oz boiling water, 8 min steep. Already liked this plain. Tonight trying it with milk in lieu of dessert. Added some agave nectar, too. Surprising, how much I like the milk, anise, and sweet bush combined! Yummy!

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