New Tasting Notes

drank Ying De Hong by TeaSpring
1353 tasting notes

When I first bought this, I reviewed it as disappointing. It didn’t live up to the expectations that I had. Now that those have been put away I can better drink it for its own sake and if I were to review it now, I’d give it a much better score than I did then.
It’s light in colour and sweet in aroma. It’s not one of those very bold and strong teas that benefit from a bit of milk. It has a sort of delicate flavour without actually being all that delicate at all. Very hard to explain this!
All in all, it’s a very nice tea, and it’s just the right one for me right now, trying to wake up from a very long nap with a slight headache.

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drank Ancient Golden Yunnan by Rishi Tea
181 tasting notes

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I drank my usual 2 cups (ML B’Fast/Two Leaves Assam) then switched to this tea. I was reading and not paying attention to what I was drinking. Kinda like the impression I had of this tea. I will give it another chance as the taste that crept ever so lightly into my awareness was a pleasant sweetness. Unfair to rate this at this time…I will do so when I give it my full attention.

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drank Moroccan Mint by Teavana
22 tasting notes

I’ve tried this tea for the past few evenings and it has become one of my favorite Morrocan mint teas. It has a nice smokey flavor with the perfect touch of mintiness.

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drank Kukicha by Raku-Cha
265 tasting notes

Another Japanese green from my order from raku-cha. I used my default green tea steeping: two and a half minutes in water at 75-80C and it seemed to be about right for this tea. It has a bit of a grassy aroma, similar to other Japanese teas, but it’s not overpowering. It produces a bright yellow brew and the taste’s really not bad – plenty of flavour but a lot less earthy and woody than I was prepared for. I actually like this one quite a lot. All in all, it was a pleasant surprise.

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drank Tie Luo Han by TeaSpring
1353 tasting notes

I’ve written about this one before, as having not a huge amount of flavour to it, but it helps if it’s allowed to sit for a little while.
This morning I have tried making it in a gaiwan gong fu style (or an approximate of gong fu, since I’m not sure I’m doing it entirely right). The aroma is strong and spicy when brewed this way, and the flavour is too. I haven’t quite got the hang of steeping it, so it’s a little oversteeped and slightly bitter, but not so much that you can’t tell what it’s supposed to be like. Strong, spicy and nutty. It’s actually a much better tea when brewed this way.

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drank Jasmine Oolong by Teavana
1 tasting notes

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drank Cocomint Green by Adagio Teas
911 tasting notes

This morning’s tea. I am just not a fan of the flavors. I don’t like the mint and it isn’t chocolaty enough for me to balance out the mint flavor. Tastes (to me) like a fake version of an Andes mint – but I don’t like Andes mints


Aug3zimm, if you don’t like ande’s mints, why did you try this?

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drank White Symphony by Adagio Teas
215 tasting notes

2nd resteep, 190F, 4 min. Roses, honeydew, chrysanthemum — I can’t pick just one. All I know is this — it blisses me out! g

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Tastes best with a little honey. Got this as a sample and will definitely order it next time

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Had a nice glass of this tea iced this afternoon. I think I might have brewed it a bit strong…

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drank Decaf Earl Grey by Adagio Teas
1629 tasting notes

The only tea I drank all day. I couldn’t drink any beverages with caffeine today. single tear Regardless, I enjoyed this tea 2x and added a little honey and lemon.

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So much better than whole leaf peppermints I reckon, because you get more punch out of the leaves. Working late, and needed a brain revitaliser.

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Surprisingly good! Also from colleague! (She made me a tin of assorted teas. :) )

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drank Lemon Ginger Snap by Teas Etc
336 tasting notes

The smell was not so great but the taste was pretty good.

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quart of water water brought to a boil and poured over 4 teaspoons of tea and 2 pinches of stevia leaf steeped for 3 minutes then added 1 tab sugar

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drank India Chai by Unknown
828 tasting notes

not sure the company, but this is clearly chai (from a round tea bag).

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