This is so delicious. First, let me just say that I am not a fan of coconut. In fact, as I’ve mentioned before, the smell of coconut tends to to make me queasy, due to a bad experience as a teenager with coconut rum. Anyway, I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about this tea—on the one hand, it’s award winning. On the other, I hate coconut. Well, this tea definitely has changed my mind about coconut, because it’s absolutely scrumptious (ha, I love that word).
The dry leaves are dark green and long and thin, and smell like coconut milk, cream, and maybe the lightest toasty scent. I can’t smell any tea at all. After steeping, the scent of the infusion is the same as the dry leaf, with a hint of pouchong. Surprisingly, the flavor is actually a very nice, even balance of pouchong and coconut, and they meld together seamlessly. The flavor doesn’t just sit on top of the pouchong, but seems to be intertwined with it. The ratio of flavoring to tea was nicely done, so it doesn’t feel like I’m drinking just coconut flavoring with a hint of tea, or tea with a hint of coconut. And oh, the flavor is delicious. There’s a custard note to the infusion as well, and at times it feels like I’m sipping coconut milk, not tea.
I only have a sample of this, so I’m going to have to get my hands on some more. I can see myself drinking this a lot!
You’ve given me hope for this sample! Everytime I rifle through the basket I see this one and go “mmm…not so much.” I’ve just never cared for coconut, but now I’m quite curious. :)
Yes! Give it a try, you might like it. It’s more like coconut-milk-custard-green-oolong tea than almond-joy-coconut-rum-barf-ness. Heh. :)
You’ve given me hope for this sample! Everytime I rifle through the basket I see this one and go “mmm…not so much.” I’ve just never cared for coconut, but now I’m quite curious. :)
Yes! Give it a try, you might like it. It’s more like coconut-milk-custard-green-oolong tea than almond-joy-coconut-rum-barf-ness. Heh. :)
That’s really good to hear! I was nervous about this sample too, not being a coconut fan.
Yaaaaay for the coconut pouchong amazingness!