Brewed some of this up for class this afternoon…during most of the class it was too hot to drink because it was in my double-walled mug (which is uber great, by the way), so I spent most of the class time holding the open mug under my nose, alternately blowing on the tea and deeply inhaling. I started to realize that this smells like Thin Mints (my mom’s favorite Girl Scout cookie), and as I sipped the delicious peppermintiness I thought about combining it with some Azteca Fire. So I scampered back to my room and did just that. Boiling water for the Azteca Fire, steeped it 10 min, adding the bag of Candy Cane Lane when it was about 175 F. Each tea steeped about 10 min each.
Still too hot to drink, but I’m saving it for dessert in the aforementioned mug. I tasted a teeny bit and…omgomgomg. I never type like that, so this is notable…this is the most heavenlydelicioussweettasticamazing thing I have ever tasted. aaaahhhhhhhh. Candy Cane Lane is still on sale for 2/$5 at the co-op…
I think I’ll get some more to hoard.