I’m sorry to say but when I first opened this box and caught the smell of the tea, I didn’t touch it for over a week. The smell was so strong, like a floral potpourri, that I couldn’t even imagine that it’d taste good.
I finally decided to try it though, expecting the worst. The smell is definitely lessened as it steeps, and the liqueur is a festive, deep reddish-purple.
The problem is the taste. It’s so strong that the first sip made my mouth tingle. The sweetness is the first thing you taste, followed by the slightly offensive taste of spices; most notably, the cinnamon. The aftertaste reminds me of cinnamon gum.
I was very generous in my rating of this tea, because I haven’t given up hope that there’s a way to improve the flavor. At the very least, I think it’d made a nice simmering potpourri for the holidays.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Plum